Saturday, November 29, 2008

MASS CPR @ Ipoh Parade

The Leo Clubs of Anderson and St Michael's Ipoh, assisted and supported the Zone 10 & 11 Lions Clubs @ Ipoh Parade on the 30th of November 2008 in a health project aimed at creating awareness of CPR techniques! The Leos assissted the Lions in the arrangements of chairs and also to support the Lions Project.

After that, the clubs were given a chance to perform CPR on the mannequins. They were taught on ways to perform a CPR and what to look out for, as well as the do's and dont's!

President of Anderson Leo Club, Leo Justin, given the opportunity to perform CPR

IR Director of St Michael Leo Club Leo Steven Tiw learning the CPR

Cabinet officers, Lions & Lioness Club members with Leos from Anderson & St Michael's.


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Alan Thoo said...

Hiya. Thanks for your comment! :)

Akira 思胜 said...

Wow, CPR!!! Did it attract lotsa ppl to join into?

Alan Thoo said...

Yup! Hehehe....! U can now ask our Leos here to show you how to do CPR! :) They even got an official Cert from the St John's Ambulance too!

Akira 思胜 said...

Walau, got cert somemore! Haha... Wanna do some presentations inside leo forum? Haha...