The Leo Club of Sam Tet, located in the heart of Ipoh (Capital of the state of Perak, Malaysia), recently hosted a special project that tapped into the young talents of their very own students themselves. The project, MUSIC ~ The Essence of Life, provided a platform for members of the Leo Club and also other students of the school to put up musical performances to entertain guests and Leos from other schools like Anderson, Ave Maria Convent, Pei Yuan Kampar and many more!
Sam Tet Leo President Tan Inn Shen (3rd from left) with Lions -
DC Leo Clubs Ln. May Cheah, RCC Leos Ln. Alan Thoo & Ipoh Metro President
Ln Marcus and members from the Leo Club of Anderson, Ipoh
(Oldest Leo Club in District 308 - Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei!)
President Leo Tan Inn Shen presenting a hand made souvenir to
DC Leo, Ln May Cheah. Far left is Mr Henry, faculty
teacher advisor for the club.
cool...sam tet add oil
add oil.. Jia you? haha ahaha
lol...I rather not comment on it...xD
Fried Rice, how ya there? Haha...
Wei.. Zhao Farn, ur own school u know! why dun wanna comment?! :)
Make sure you guys don't just leave! Keep the fire burning ya! Make sure you go back to help your juniors. Keep the TOP CLUB spirit leh! :)
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