Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ipoh Unity Flying Region 3 flag across to Hong Kong!!!!!

The Leo Club of Unity (O), leading Omega Leo Club of Region 3 Perak, once again brought the name of Perak Leos to another level when a few of their members attended OSEAL in Hong Kong recently! Their participation in the event managed to allow people not only from Hong Kong but other countries, recognize the Lion Spirit amongst Leo members from Ipoh Perak! They attended the official events, performed community services there as well as joined in the fun during a few of the fellowship sessions hosted by the locals there!

Presentation of banerette to SK Lions Club

Unity (O) with DG Kenneth Saw!

Leo Conference

Left: with Leo Club of Kowloon, HK; Right: Welcoming Dinner!

Welcoming Dinner

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